Tag: Fiona Leitch

HMRC reduce VAT on eBooks to zero

rad The Anthropocene Chronicles on your mobile device

As of May 1st, eBooks have been zero rated for VAT in the UK just as physical books are, to help take advantage of this, we have reduced the price of both of the Anthropocene Chronicles eBooks that are available from Amazon.   for more details: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/zero-rate-of-vat-for-electronic-publications

Now available to read on Kindle Unlimited

Books 1 and 2 of the Chronicles

Today we took the decision to move our ebooks on to Kindle Unlimited, which will allow many of you to read them free of charge, unfortunately to do ths we had to remove them from sale in alternate formats, a move that is acceptable as Amazon had one of the lowest retail prices for the […]

Paperback available from scandinavian retailer

After many months of trying to ensure the the entire world has access to the oppressive world of The Anthropocene Chronicles, we have found a retailer located in scandinavia, more specifically Sweden that is selling the paperback, and have included a link here.

Anthropocene Chronicles now available from Legemi

Anthropocene Chronicles on eBook in Poland

Anthropocene Chronicles Parts I & II are now available as epubs from the Polish retailer Legemi, as well as many other epub resellers across Europe as well as on Kindle

Anthropocene Chronicles books can be found on Goodreads!

Saranne Bensusan,Carmen Radtke,Emma Rullar,Rachael Howard,Nick Jackson,Fiona Leitch

The Anthropocene Chronicles can now be found on Goodreads, check out the authors and see who’s reading it!

get free UK postage on Anthropocene Chronicles from Books etc.

Saranne Bensusan,Carmen Radtke,Emma Rullar,Rachael Howard,Nick Jackson,Fiona Leitch

Books etc. in Hampshire are offering free UK postage on The Anthropocene Chronicles, and we felt that you deserved a direct link to this this offer, so here it is!  

Blackwell’s website offering free UK delivery on The Anthropcene Chronicles

Saranne Bensusan,Carmen Radtke,Emma Rullar,Rachael Howard,Nick Jackson,Fiona Leitch

Blackwell’s Bookshops are offering free UK delivery on their website, in an offer which is currently far better than their Amazon listing.

Wordery offering free worldwide delivery on Anthropecene Chronicles

Saranne Bensusan,Carmen Radtke,Emma Rullar,Rachael Howard,Nick Jackson,Fiona Leitch

Wordery.com are offering free worldwide delivery on The Anthropocene Chronicles, which is a better price than is currently available via their listing on Amazon  

Free Postage on Anthropocene Chronicles Paperback

Saranne Bensusan,Carmen Radtke,Emma Rullar,Rachael Howard,Nick Jackson,Fiona Leitch

Though he book is already available via many retailers across the world, not many of them offer free postage of the book, we do have one for you though!

B&N now sell Anthropocene Chronicles Paperback in addition to eBooks

eBook or Paperback

In addition to the eBooks, which Barnes and Noble have been selling for a while, they now have the paperback available.

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