Lavender’s Bue wins Outstanding Achievement Award from Royal Society

Royal Society

The Royal Society of Television & Motion Pictures in Kolkota has awarded Saranne Bensusan’s dystopian short Lavender’s Blue the Outstanding Achievement award in the short films category. The film wqhich was co-written by Rachael Howard and stars Stine Olson and Natalie Sloth Richter makes up part of the Anthropocene Chronicles a sample of which is […]

Lavender’s Blue win’s Free Speech award at Gangtok

GIFF LAUREL - Lavender's Blue win's Free Speech award at Gangtok

Saranne Bensusan‘s dystopian short, Lavender’s Blue, has won in the Free Speech category at the Gangtok film Festival in India. The film, starring Stine Olsen and Natalie Sloth Richter was co-written by Rachael Howard and tells the story of a woman living in an oppressive society where her life is micro-managed by an AI that […]

Lavender’s Blue selected for Himachel Short Film Festival

Saranne Bensuan, Lavender's Blue

Saranne Bensusan’s dystopian short Lavender’s Blue has been selected for the Himachel short Film Festival, which takes place in October. The film was co-written by Rachael Howard and stars Stine Olsen and Natalie Sloth Richter and the sound track composed and persormed by Guthrie Lowe

Lavender’s Blue selected for Halo International Film Festival

Saranne Bensusans's Lavender's Blue selecteed for Halo Film Festival

The short film, Lavender’s Blue, written & dircted by Saranne Bensusan and co-written Rachael Howard  has been selected for the Halo International Film Festival in Saint Petersburg next month.   The film stars Stine Olsen and Natalie Sloth Richter and has a soundtrack composed and performed by Guthrie Lowe. See website  

Win for short film at Cyber Film Festival

Saranne Bensusan, Anthropocene Chlonicles

Lavender’s Blue, the short film directed by Saranne Bensusan, and co-written by Rachael Howard has won at Best Short Science Fiction Film at the latest Cyber Film Festival. The Film stars Stine Olsen and Natalie Sloth Richter and can be seen here!  

Propaganda short Lavenders Blue wins at Mumbai Cult Film Festival

Mumbai Experimental

The short film, Lavender’s Blue, which also is also a propaganda film from the story, and procedes the first story in the book has won “Best Experimental Short” at this year’s Mumbai International Cult Film Fetstival Anthropocene Chronicles short Lavenders Blue wins at Mumbai Cult Film Festival

HMRC reduce VAT on eBooks to zero

rad The Anthropocene Chronicles on your mobile device

As of May 1st, eBooks have been zero rated for VAT in the UK just as physical books are, to help take advantage of this, we have reduced the price of both of the Anthropocene Chronicles eBooks that are available from Amazon.   for more details:

Now available to read on Kindle Unlimited

Books 1 and 2 of the Chronicles

Today we took the decision to move our ebooks on to Kindle Unlimited, which will allow many of you to read them free of charge, unfortunately to do ths we had to remove them from sale in alternate formats, a move that is acceptable as Amazon had one of the lowest retail prices for the […]

Lavender’s Blue selected for Mentone Film Festival in California

Official Selection Lavender's Blue

Saranne Bensusan’s Dystopian short, Lavender’s Blue, which was co-written by Rachael Howard and stars Stine Olsen and Natalie Sloth Richter has been selected for the Mentone Film Festival which takes place on November 12th and 13th.

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